Thursday, July 17, 2008

Top 5 Ways To Tell if You're REALLY, REALLY Pregnant:

5) When walking past a mom and her little girl, the little girl points out “ Mommy that lady has a really big tummy!” (Mom declines to comment.)

4) While out to eat you unknowingly spill food on your lap, rest your stomach on it and get a stain on your shirt you would have never have known of if you didn’t take your shirt off.

3) While at church you race a lady down the aisle so you won’t have to climb over her to get to your seat.

2) You’ve grown out of all your maternity clothes and have started wearing large sheets.

And the number 1 way to tell that you’ve reached your maximum pregnancy size is…

1) While sitting in the shallow end of the pool a small child swims up to you and says that she’s lost her toy, she wants you to move because she thinks you’re sitting on it. (True story)


AshleyS said...

hahahaha, that little girl was so funny asking you that at the pool! i didn't realize you thought she asked you b/c you're preggo! hahaha, i really am laughing right now. all of us moms have been there, you look great, despite how you feel. come play Madelyn!

Karen Nicola said...

Dear Joanna,

This pregnacy thing is really taking you for the full ride! Glad you can still laugh with it. . . for that will be a great start with the whole mothering thing----keep your sense of humor and all will be well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I loved them. MOM

Anonymous said...

haha lol thats funny